Clean coffee machine = happy coffee machine

Cafetto Renew descaling powder

Coffee machine descaling powder 6x25g

The archenemy of machines that use water is scale. Even if filtered water is used, it may occur on the surfaces over time, impairing the efficiency of the machine, and in the long term it may even destroy it. Therefore, regular and thorough descaling is important, Samurai Shoelace recommends the Australian Cafetto descaler for this!

Made from completely organic ingredients

Non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients

It doesn't leave a mark on the machine, it doesn't cause rust

It can be used on any kitchen appliance

Pre-dispensed quantity in a bag

It can be used on aluminum, copper and stainless steel surfaces

One box contains 6 bags (half a year's supply)

Syndicate members get a 20% discount on the price

2.690 Ft

Free delivery over HUF 20,000

20% discount for syndicate members

24 - 48 hours fast delivery

Samurai Shoelace

*Nespresso is a registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé SA. Samurai Shoelace is an independent entity that is neither directly nor indirectly related to Société des Produits Nestlé SA.

How It Works?

1. Dissolve the contents of one bag in 1 liter of lukewarm water

2. Fill the coffee machine tank completely

3. Run a cupful of solution through the machine

4, Wait 15 minutes

5, Rinse through another cup of solution

6. Repeat until the solution is completely used up

7. Rinse the machine with a full container of clean water

And that's it! You're done, and your machine is completely clean and scale-free. It's worth repeating it every month, so you can definitely avoid damage caused by limescale!

(and much better coffee!)

I will buy it and descale!

The best decision for your coffee machine!

20% discount?

Subscribe to the SYNDICATE MEMBERSHIP and buy with a 20% discount. Introductory price* for HUF 990 per month . (It pays for itself with two boxes a month)

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Are the capsules suitable for all capsule machines?

No, only in coffee machines compatible with the Nespresso* Original system.

What is a specialty coffee capsule?

There are also many types of coffee, from cheaper mass coffees to rare coffee specialties of the highest, special quality. Coffees are classified according to an officially accepted point system, coffees with more than 80 points belong to the specialty category.

I heard that the aluminum capsule is not environmentally friendly. So why did you use an aluminum capsule?

From this point of view, aluminum is like other raw materials: it can be environmentally friendly if it is really collected selectively. Then it is 100% recyclable. Aluminum can be remelted an unlimited number of times and coffee capsules can be produced from it again and again, so it is one of the least burdensome solutions from an environmental point of view. At the same time, the aluminum capsule is the only one that ensures a perfect seal, i.e. the coffee inside does not come into contact with oxygen, and can therefore be stored for a very long time without quality deterioration. If you want to protect the environment, collect used capsules selectively or use Capsule Defuser !

Don't you have instant coffee?

Of course there is, since we roast the green coffee and the capsules are made from freshly ground, roasted coffee beans. Perfect capsules require a completely different roasting profile than a "traditional" coffee machine, which is why we do not sell our coffees in the form of coffee beans, since what is good for a capsule is not necessarily good for a press machine, and vice versa.

What should I do with used capsules?

Do not throw it in the trash! Aluminum is a valuable, reusable raw material. Place the coffee grounds from the capsules under your plants (blooming plants will love them) or compost them. Use the Capsule Defuser and separate the capsules, or throw them in a selective waste container!

So YOU ​​belong to Nespresso*?

No, we are a completely independent, domestic small business. We are related to Nespresso* in that we use the system developed by them. Our coffee capsules can be prepared on any Nespresso* Original compatible machine

But I need a lot more capsules!

If you want to buy in large quantities (either for yourself or as a reseller), send us a message or call us!

What are the advantages of specialty coffee capsules?

Specialty coffee capsules are made from high-quality coffee beans that are carefully selected and roasted to provide the best flavors and aromas. In addition, these coffee capsules are often sourced from sustainable and ethical sources.

What roasting levels are there for specialty coffees?

Roasting levels can be light, medium or dark, each bringing out different flavors from the coffee.

Why is the place of origin of coffee important?

The place of origin of the coffee determines its taste. Coffee is a fruit, so the location of the growing area, the soil, the climate and the cultivation methods all affect its taste.

How does water quality affect the taste of coffee?

Poor-quality or too hard water can suppress the coffee's flavors, while clean, high-quality water highlights them. It is worth using filtered water for making coffee!

What is the specialty coffee scoring system?

Specialty coffees are evaluated on a 100-point system, and only coffees above 80 points receive the specialty rating.